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Weave – On Lace Front

  • 15 Steps


This is a comprehensive course that covers the types of weave-on such as Leave-out, Full head, Frontals and closures. At the end of this course, you will understand: Leave-out The two-step method needed to achieve leave-out weave-on The pros and cons for having a leave-out The materials and tools required for the process Step by step instructions on carrying out the leave-out weave-on process. How to achieve simple styling on completion Full head The two-step method needed to achieve full head weave-on The pros and cons for having a full head weave-on The materials and tools required for the full head weave-on process Step by step instructions on carrying out the full head weave-on process. How to achieve simple styling on completion Frontals and closures The three-step method needed to achieve lace front or closure weave on The pros and cons for having frontals or closures The materials and tools required for frontals or closures process Step by step instructions on carrying out the frontals or closures weave-on process. How to achieve simple styling on completion

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